Sunday, March 15, 2009

I AM.....

I AM... happy that I made my school dace company.
I WANT... my english report to do itself.
I HAVE... been very busy lately.
I KEEP... all my shcool stuff and my bag weighes 40 lbs I swear.
I WISH I COULD... find out casting for my june show.
I FEAR... failure.
I HEAR... Cars the movie (it is on tv).
I DON'T THINK... ever.
I REGRET... joining my G&T english class.
I LOVE... my family and dance.
I AM NOT... writing my report like I should.
I DANCE... all the time even when I am at school.
I SING... radomly when I feel like it.
I NEVER... have likied math and never will.
I RARELY... clean my room. :}
I CRY WHEN I WATCH... Hallmark movies they get me every time!
I AM NOT ALWAYS... that patient
I HATE THAT... I have more homework to do.
I'M CONFUSED ABOUT... the economy.
I NEED... to start working on my project.
I SHOULD... not be doing this right now.
Everyone who wants to should try it!! Write down the 1st thing that comes to your mind.


Dede said...

Congrats on making the dance team! That's great

Rhi said...

Maybe you should be working on that English paper! By the way, good job on the dance team!