I AM... happy that I made my school dace company.
I WANT... my english report to do itself.
I HAVE... been very busy lately.
I KEEP... all my shcool stuff and my bag weighes 40 lbs I swear.
I WISH I COULD... find out casting for my june show.
I FEAR... failure.
I HEAR... Cars the movie (it is on tv).
I DON'T THINK... ever.
I REGRET... joining my G&T english class.
I LOVE... my family and dance.
I AM NOT... writing my report like I should.
I DANCE... all the time even when I am at school.
I SING... radomly when I feel like it.
I NEVER... have likied math and never will.
I RARELY... clean my room. :}
I CRY WHEN I WATCH... Hallmark movies they get me every time!
I AM NOT ALWAYS... that patient
I HATE THAT... I have more homework to do.
I'M CONFUSED ABOUT... the economy.
I NEED... to start working on my project.
I SHOULD... not be doing this right now.
Everyone who wants to should try it!! Write down the 1st thing that comes to your mind.
New Years Sledding
9 years ago